An Audience

There is a hurricane coming up the East Coast, in case you didn't hear. So last night Bianca and I took Isaac to Wal-Mart and Hannafords (a local grocery store chain) to get some supplies. At Wal-Mart we had a great time, Isaac walking around or standing the carriage while we were looking for things. At the end, Bianca had to go wash her hands (the little guy was an absolute piggy at dinner) so Isaac and I checked out. He was standing the carriage and the cashier was talking to him. One lane over a group of young women were commenting on how cute he was. He was waving "hi" and smiling, being usual cute guy self.

Then we brought out the big guns. I told him "Raise your hand if your name is Isaac." He instantly put up a little chubby arm and grinned like the Cheshire Cat. A round of applause went up from the people in line a Wal-Mart. As we made our way to the front door, Isaac waved again to his crowd of fans and pretty much every woman gave him a wave back.
Tony Sculimbrene