Eight Steps and a perfect evening
So Isaac, as you know, is walking now. He is really funny to watch, too. He gets so worked up, literally bouncing on the balls of his feet, and then he starts going, but he does so stiff-legged sort of like a really, really excited Frankenstein. And right now his record is around eight steps. Super awesome.
Tonight with the blazing summer sun still hanging tough in the sky I came home, dropped the monkey suit and Isaac and I took a dip in the pool. It was the first time in two weeks when I felt pretty darn good and Isaac Anthony and I playing in the water was awesome. As we did Mom, recognizing the need for some Isaac playtime, made dinner while her two boys bobbed around in the water. That will mend just about whatever is broken, let me tell you.
Let me say this to all of those that don't know Bianca as well as I do--the woman is a rock. She was awesome this entire two weeks of hospital and doctors visits and feeling crappy. I am convinced that the smartest thing I ever did was marry her and I'd do it again, EVEN more emphatically this time around, in a heartbeat. She is the best.
Tonight with the blazing summer sun still hanging tough in the sky I came home, dropped the monkey suit and Isaac and I took a dip in the pool. It was the first time in two weeks when I felt pretty darn good and Isaac Anthony and I playing in the water was awesome. As we did Mom, recognizing the need for some Isaac playtime, made dinner while her two boys bobbed around in the water. That will mend just about whatever is broken, let me tell you.
Let me say this to all of those that don't know Bianca as well as I do--the woman is a rock. She was awesome this entire two weeks of hospital and doctors visits and feeling crappy. I am convinced that the smartest thing I ever did was marry her and I'd do it again, EVEN more emphatically this time around, in a heartbeat. She is the best.