The Shapiros

You have already seen the photos that Tim Shapiro took, but another highlight of the Ohio trip was actually hanging out with the Shapiros. It was really cool to think that Eli was the same age when he met Isaac that I was when I met Jacob, AND Isaac was about the same age Jacob was when I met him. It was also nice to catch up with Gretchen, Tim, Jacob, Ian, and Eli.

Here is a great picture of Jacob with Isaac and Bianca:


Jacob, in addition to doing the graduate school thing in Math, is, as always, a super nice kid. He was great with Isaac and Isaac was really relaxed around him.

Ian was quite good with Isaac even if they both were a little skittish around each other, Isaac because of Ian's Mountain Man beard, and Ian because with Isaac around he was not guaranteed of being the source of ALL the laughs in a room. Here is a great video clip:

Eli was extra nice to the little guy, perhaps remembering more than his two older brothers what it was like to be the smallest person around:


Gretchen introduced Isaac to Ada, the Shapiros wonderful Airedale Terrier, and stood watchful over Isaac as he squealed and screeched when he met their cat Angie. We all were blown away by Tim's pictures and there were more than I posted. The rest are in the photo section on Flicker.

We all went on a walk, deep into my childhood stomping ground of Wildlife. The place had become overgrown significantly, but the big landmarks were there. It was surreal walking through that place with the Shapiros and Isaac, something like the jumbled memories that form a dream that catches you off guard with experiences from your past, present and future. I was also thrilled to see how the boys have all grown up into really interesting people. I only wish that Isaac could live nearer to them as well as all of the other great folks in Ohio.
Tony Sculimbrene