Walden Weekend

Last year when Isaac was much smaller, Walden Pond was a great trip for the parents and he tagged along. Now that he is a big, two-teeth kid (yes TWO, both on the bottom, he looks like a reverse beaver, not really, but still...) he enjoys Walden Pond. Here is a video of him splashing around:

We saw some pretty cool wildlife, like this tiny little frog that Dad almost stepped on:


Speaking of amphibians, given Isaac's love of the water, hear is a picture of our little amphibian:


I am certain that there are many times when he is crying or whimpering and his mommy picks him up and he gives me a wink or a nod as if to say "She's mine now." Here I finally caught it with my camera:


And finally, doesn't he really look like a big kid here (only the bib and sippy cup give him away, otherwise he looks like he is about four):

Tony Sculimbrene