Peas Stink and other unsurprising news

He has been in such a good mood recently, recovering from a serious case of the snots. Every two or three sneezes he'd get some snot streaks that we called "Double Barreled Snot Guns" and need a little touch up from Mom or Dad (usually working in tandem). But when the little guy is not sick (and usually even when he is) he is in great spirits.

Isaac Anthony recently got a sampler of peas and well, I'll let the video tell the story:

I agree.

Second piece of unsurprising news: Isaac looks cute in his new style jammies. He has converted to thinner jammies that his Nanni and Poppa Dom got him as the weather has gotten warmer (in theory, its supposed to be getting warmer, it was 28 degrees out today). Here is a shot of him in these tighter fitting jammies that we call his "Spider Jams" (sung to the theme of the 70s TV show "Spiderman"):


There were other pics and videos uploaded today. Enjoy.
Tony Sculimbrene