Messy Kid, Part II
Isaac and his classmates at the Goddard School regularly do finger painting and Isaac seems to love it. Trying to capture some of the fun at home, we decided to get him some paints and let him go to town this afternoon--a perfect rainy Sunday activity. Dad cut out some shapes and got some paper while Mom got Isaac dressed in old clothes. We all three met in the Sun Room for a little bit of Picasso-ing.
Here is a blow by blow of most of the painting:
The results were, as you can imagine, outrageously messy. Mom broke out one color at a time as the Grandparents watched via iChat. There were some great moments. The first color was blue. He liked it. It was okay. But it was nothing to get excited about. He squished it through his fingers and grabbed some paper. Then he got some green and again it was good but not great. Finally Mom busted out red and he went nuts. He was smearing it around, putting it on the paper, in his hair, and then finally his mouth. After that it was clean up time.
Here are some pictures of the fun:

You know how painters can be, all full of attitude and sass.

Mom got hit with some collateral damage.

And finally, "OOOOO, look at the mess I made"
Finally, a video of pre-painting. He is kinda excited:
Here is a blow by blow of most of the painting:
The results were, as you can imagine, outrageously messy. Mom broke out one color at a time as the Grandparents watched via iChat. There were some great moments. The first color was blue. He liked it. It was okay. But it was nothing to get excited about. He squished it through his fingers and grabbed some paper. Then he got some green and again it was good but not great. Finally Mom busted out red and he went nuts. He was smearing it around, putting it on the paper, in his hair, and then finally his mouth. After that it was clean up time.
Here are some pictures of the fun:

You know how painters can be, all full of attitude and sass.

Mom got hit with some collateral damage.

And finally, "OOOOO, look at the mess I made"
Finally, a video of pre-painting. He is kinda excited: