Longer Out than In

Today is officially the day we have known Isaac longer than we knew Peanut. Bianca showed up and had something in her hand. I didn't realize what it was at first and I stared at it. And then my face melted from an expression of focused confusion to one of pure joy. It took me a second, as I was decompressing from work. After a minute I realized what it was (a pregnancy test) and what it meant and I went crazy. We ran upstairs and took another test and it was positive as well. And though gestation is 40 weeks, the traditional rule of 9 months means that today, one day after his 9 month birthday, we have known him longer out of the womb than in it. And it is great. For over 18 months the focus of my life has been Bianca and Isaac and I have never been happier.
Tony Sculimbrene