Good Times

Isaac and Mom have had to take it slow these past few weekends. The trauma of daycare meant that weekends were strictly off limits for plans that were more involved than staring at Isaac Anthony all day. It was fun but everyone was getting a bit of cabin fever. So this weekend we decided to go on an adventure. We wanted to get Isaac some more Duplos for Valentine's Day (he is our Valentine after all) and we found a Flatbread Pizza around the Burlington Mall. So we loaded Subbie up and headed out.

Isaac slept the whole way there and when we arrived we found the parking lot absolutely bonkers. We decided to head to Flatbreads first and the plan worked. We had parts of two delicious pizzas and Isaac Anthony ate solids out for the first time ever. Here are some photos of him chowing down.

This is the very definition of "eager anticipation":


And here he is trying to eat amid the ruckus of the restaurant:


Here is a super cute picture Isaac and Mom at the pizza place:


And a flick of the pre-eating process (note the look of shock on his face):

After that it was the mall, but Isaac and Dad just cruised around while Mom got some new clothes. We had a good time, but Isaac and Dad aren't mall people really. Isaac was awesome all day. Even the gridlock in the mall didn't throw him (and it was bad, like more than Christmas bad). He slept on the way home and was a cheery kid all day. First post-daycare weekend adventure went well.

New videos and pictures are up.
Tony Sculimbrene