Sick Kid

It is no fun being sick. And being sick as a little guy...ugh, that must really stink. You have no idea what is going on in the first place and just as you get used to think, BAM, you can't breathe out your nose.

Isaac had a real, full-blown cold. We were able to see a doctor on Saturday and she said it was just a cold, no chest infection and no ear infection. Isaac did really well given his illness. He was crabby in the morning and the evening, but pretty good during the day. Lots of cuddles and being held, but that's not too bad at all. He slept through the night on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday he did wake up. We thought it was his congested nose, but as it turns out, it was probably his bumpers.

On Sunday morning we added his bumpers around his crib, having come in and seen him square against the crib for like two weeks in a row. It doesn't bother him, he sleeps well, but it just looked uncomfortable, so we added the bumpers. He had two bad naps in a row and we just chalked it up to him being sick. Then last night he woke up around 1:15 and couldn't put himself back to sleep. We went in and he was breathing fine, actually better than he had all weekend, but he would go down. Mom took off the bumpers while Dad held Isaac Anthony and he went right to sleep and stayed asleep for the rest of the night. What a good kid. Stupid bumpers. We'll need to figure out another way to soften the crib for Scootchasaurus.

Isaac did really well when he was playing apparently forgetting that the was sick, so we played with him a lot. Here is Mom and Isaac playing their new game:

Not a lot of pictures or videos as we were tending to a sick cute kid.

Here is one though:

Tony Sculimbrene