
In about 10 days we have received more than 30 inches of snow. It has been brutal work removing the snow, but Subbie has been fantastic, chewing up frozen, slippery roads. She has been great (and warm) carrying Bianca and Isaac to and from school/work. Here are some crazy images of Hoth, aka Fitchburg:

Isaac has also been recovering from a pretty legit cold--sniffles, coughs, runny nose, and sneezing. Fortunately, he ate pretty well and slept well during the cold, so it wasn't too, too bad on him. He is a really good kid, always does was needs to be done.

Isaac has also taken to making tons of new noises. It is as if he realized that his tongue and lips can make so many more noises. So we will get the "Da Da Da" in between noises that sound unmistakeably like the Jetson's space cars. Here is a sample (towards the end of the clip):

He has also figured out how to do stuff with his hands. He is grabbing puffs like a kleptomaniac in a candy store. He is also starting to learn how and when to wave at people. It is really funny. He gave me a big wave this morning and a big one to Mom yesterday.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, he is babbling "Ma ma ma" to go along with "Da da da." It is much less frequent but it is pretty clear when he does it. I think it melts his mommy's heart every time.

New video and pictures uploaded.

Here is one where I imagine Isaac telling his mommy "Stop your embarrassing me"


Here is one, taken for G Daddy, of Isaac with his Alfalfa haircut:

Tony Sculimbrene