Christmas Tree...Check

Monica and Rob flew in to town yesterday and Isaac Anthony was a little confused at first. On the short ride to Tiny's Trees, a local Fitchburg tradition, he gave them a "what the heck" look and then let out a short cry until his Momma Bear saved him. Once in her arms, Isaac Anthony calmed down. The rest of the evening was very nice and relaxing. Dad picked out a nice wine (an 88, thank you Robert Parker), Mom made a great sauce with tortellini (Dad's favorite), and all five of us hung out in front of a roaring fire, using some of the oak Dad saved from the ice storm two years ago, and one large piece of the apple wood Dad got last weekend (that stuff burns FOR-EV-AR).

We had a great time wandering the rows of trees at Tiny's with Isaac Anthony bundled up like a little baby eskimo. Being his first time, I had to, absolutely had to, make some video. Here is the footage:

We uploaded some pictures and videos as well, like this one:

Tony Sculimbrene