Guys Day, Part 2

It was the first Guy's Day yesterday and fortunately G-Daddy came into town to spend it with us, so it was three generations of Sculimbrene boys at home while Bianca got some work done at Holy Cross.

When we woke up we read some stories. Isaac was fascinated by G-Daddy's rendition of Karma Wilson's new book, The Cow Loves Cookies. Here is a shot of the little guy lookin' up to his Grandpa:


Then we went to...wait for it...the hardware store to get some glue for one of Dad's drawers in the office. We bundled up and here is Isaac preparing for the journey:


Check out those blue, blue eyes. And that hat.

After that it was nap time for Isaac. When he awoke, which wasn't too long because he did not sleep (the excitement of Guys Day, after all), we had hot dogs from George's Hot Dog stand (which is more like a tiny little hot dog house, just down the road from us). Here is Isaac not too sure about what we are trying to feed him (we didn't actually try to feed him hot dogs, it was just a photo op):


His Nanna would be proud. He was not tempted by the hot dog in the least.

Then like all real men, Isaac got what he needed from a bottle, no not that kind of bottle, this kind:


He did quite well with the bottle, drinking 4 ounces at a "smaller" feeding (10 AM is not usually his tanked up feeding).

We read some more stories after that, actually I read the story and Isaac ate it. See what I mean?


Once that was done we played in a fort. G-Daddy built it and Isaac enjoyed it. See here:

Finally, as the day closed down we all enjoyed a fire, even allowing Mommy to enjoy the Guys Day festivities (actually we didn't have a choice, Isaac missed his Mommy big time):


The fire was a big hit--bright, moving, and toasty enough for Isaac Anthony to shed all but his diaper.

It was a great, great day, but I realized just how much Mommy gets done in a day and I am stunned. It was hard work too.

Happy Guys Day to you.

One last message, this one straight to Nanna:


I hope your ready for Christmas cuddles Aunt Monica and Nanna, Isaac is saving them up for you.
Tony Sculimbrene