Isaac and Nanny, Mommy Steppin' Out, and the British Electric Slide

Mom made her fall debut on the wedding scene wearing a smashing black dress, a mauve shawl, and a cute expression. Dad tagged along for the fun of it. Meanwhile, Chubby Bubby spent the evening with Bianca's mom Nanny. She was gracious enough to come down and watch the little guy. And he was very good, taking almost 5 ounces of milk from a bottle. When we got home he was in his bed, lights off, quiet, just waiting for us. After a late top off he drifted off to dream land without so much as a peep.

We went to Sarah and Jim's wedding. Sarah is Bianca's friend from work who has red hair and an English accent, bearing uncanny similarity to one Ginny Weasley. The wedding was very nice, taking place at the Publick House, a wedding place for over 200 years (!). The ball room had antique chandeliers that puzzled Dad all night (how did they get the electrical down to the bulbs?). The scallops and bacon, a wedding requirement, were delicious. Sarah and Jim both looked great and had a great time.

Elias, yes of the Elias Sports Bureau (he is an ambitious three year old, running his own company already) was the ring bearer. He is Kim and Darren's son and in the year and half that they have been gone he shot up like a weed. He could easily pass for 5 or 6. Plus he knows all the lyrics to Jolene and Copacabana. There is something indescribably comical watching a three year old in a tux and vest singing Copacabana to himself ("Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..."). We also got to see Ms. Jacquline, Jude and Wendy's baby girl, and she was wide-eyed and adorable. She had a pink dress on with bows, ribbons, and little pearl beads. It could not have been more girly, and definitely stoked Dad's fires for a baby girl (Pistachio). Amber and Chris, Bianca's other work friends tolerated the crazy baby talk well.

The night, for us, ended with the funniest thing I have ever seen: British people trying to do the Electric Slide. At first, they thought it was like the Hokey Pokey. Then there was a bit of the Chicken Dance. Finally, the exasperated DJ came out on the dance floor and showed people how to do the dance. There were a few Queen-sounding "Oh MY!" exclamations every once in a while. Pure awesomeness.

Congrats Jim and Sarah.
Tony Sculimbrene