Four Months

Isaac Anthony has been with us for four months now. It is hard to believe that four months ago there was a little baby blob that pooped, ate, cried, and slept and now we have a giggling, smiling, tongue-sticking out little guy. But the great thing is that everyday he does something new and amazing or he surprises us.

One of the struggles we have had, one of the very few, thankfully, is with the bottle. Isaac took the bottle like a champ the firs three times. We thought he was all set so we didn't even bother to keep it up. Big mistake. After about a month and half of no bottle at all Isaac didn't really want to go back. He cried and fussed and it made bottle time a chore. But on Sunday I strapped on the Baby Bjorn and gave him a bottle as we walked around outside. It got a little silly at one point. He was eating so well that I wanted to do nothing that disturbed him, so to shelter him from the wind I walked hunched over and to protect him from the sun I walked backwards. I kinda looked like a crazy zombie slowly shambling down the street with a baby on me. But then I realized that I could just walk around and Isaac would still take the bottle. After weeks of fussing, he eat almost 4 ounces, or about the same as Robot Baby got yesterday, without a whimper. Unpredictable.

He is also doing things that are really nice to be around, such as loving to read. Bianca can plop him in the bean bag chair and read to him for an hour or so. He also likes to sit between your legs and read. He is very good at cuddling too. He will lay his head on your shoulder or just let you play with him while he lays on your chest. He has distinctive moods and preferences. It is an absolute joy to be around him.

Thanks for coming into our lives Isaac Anthony.
Tony Sculimbrene