4 Month Pedi Visit and other stuff
So Isaac and Mom had their first pediatrician visit without Dad and all went well. Isaac again got his all-important vaccines (as did Mom and Dad who both got the flu shot to help protect the little guy). He did fine with those, some crying at the office but nothing the rest of the day. Mom reports him being a little more cuddly than normal, but I am not sure if that was Mom comforting Isaac or Isaac comforting Mom, who really hates these vaccine visits. And now to the numbers:
Isaac weighed 16 pounds 7 ounces, exactly what his Mom said he would (and 5 ounces more than Dad's guess).
He was 26 inches long.
Both were in the 75% of kids, which is really good. It also means, as Auntie Monica pointed out, that we can no long call him Chubby Bubby, 'cause he ain't chubby no more. Oh well, it was a good nickname.
His head was still huge, I believe they classified it as "Chrome Dome" sized, just like his Dad.
The Doc was very happy with Isaac's leg kicking and his vocalizations. All in all, a great visit for our boy.
Perhaps his new nickname can be the Scoocher. For the past few days, since like last Wednesday, when I come in in the morning to get him he has scooched all the way down to the foot of the crib and sometimes his little feet are actually out of the crib. Somehow in the middle of the night Isaac takes off and scooches all around.
Posts will resume now that the grandparents are back in Ohio. It was super busy with everyone here, but we had a great time. There are few things as cool as showing off your kid to his grandparents. Isaac got along great with both of them, regularly suckering his Nanna with his fake, I-need-some-attention cry. It works on us too, but not as fast as it does on Nanna. G-Daddy is convinced that he saw Isaac give us a wink, once his Nanna picked him up.
Isaac weighed 16 pounds 7 ounces, exactly what his Mom said he would (and 5 ounces more than Dad's guess).
He was 26 inches long.
Both were in the 75% of kids, which is really good. It also means, as Auntie Monica pointed out, that we can no long call him Chubby Bubby, 'cause he ain't chubby no more. Oh well, it was a good nickname.
His head was still huge, I believe they classified it as "Chrome Dome" sized, just like his Dad.
The Doc was very happy with Isaac's leg kicking and his vocalizations. All in all, a great visit for our boy.
Perhaps his new nickname can be the Scoocher. For the past few days, since like last Wednesday, when I come in in the morning to get him he has scooched all the way down to the foot of the crib and sometimes his little feet are actually out of the crib. Somehow in the middle of the night Isaac takes off and scooches all around.
Posts will resume now that the grandparents are back in Ohio. It was super busy with everyone here, but we had a great time. There are few things as cool as showing off your kid to his grandparents. Isaac got along great with both of them, regularly suckering his Nanna with his fake, I-need-some-attention cry. It works on us too, but not as fast as it does on Nanna. G-Daddy is convinced that he saw Isaac give us a wink, once his Nanna picked him up.