Three Day Weekend

It was a really nice three day weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect. We did a little bit of the new schedule and a little bit of the old, mixing the new feeding times with a few walks at Coggshall Park. No new species as the drop in temperature has really changed the way the pond looks. It will be fun to watch as the fall's golden hand creeps over our little piece of nature.

On Saturday we did a lot of hanging out, staring at Isaac. We saw Isaac do his big trick--the rolling over in both directions. We also tried to make sure that Isaac would still take a bottle. He did so well the first few times that we thought he had it all figured out, but alas, we stopped too early. Apparently kids really get set in their ways around three months, so he wanted the original packaging only. I tried and tried and nothing really happened. He cried a lot and finally his mommy burst through the door and saved him. It was hard for all of us.

The next day though Isaac was much more pro-bottle. He took it without a wimper. On Monday there was a little fighting, but about 20 minutes in he finally decided he had had enough and just went to town, pounding the bottle. At that point, if he was capable, I am fairly certain he would have shotgunned the bottle like a beer.

On Monday, Isaac had a really good and cuddly day. Sometimes you forget that this is a little person, not just a baby, and that he has moods and preferences. Monday was definitely a chill out day as he just let Mom and Dad hold him all day long. It was especially nice for me, as I got a lot of Isaac time in a concentrated burst.

Here is Isaac cuddling with Dad (I mean, come on, those big eyes are irresistible):


And then there was Dad and Isaac playing around with sitting up:


Isaac got a little hot in the long leg and long sleeve outfit, so we gave him some Isaac naked (i.e. diaper only) time. He spent a lot of it with Dad:


Hopefully that will get me through until next weekend, when we will be going to the Brimfield Antique Show (Dad will be looking for a Barrister's Bookcase, a small Gerstner Chest, a low angle Stanley Sweetheart Block Plane, or some other good bargain.

What a great weekend with my two best friends.
Tony Sculimbrene