New Trick

Mom is a scientist, a believer in the scientific method, so sometimes it takes her a little longer than normal to believe that Chubby Bubby just did something on purpose. When he flipped over for the first time, with Dad and Nanna as witnesses, she didn't believe it. It was only after a few times of him doing it did she concede that he was in fact flipping over.

With this as background, Dad and CB have been working on a new trick. When Dad puts CB down for a diaper change he holds his legs for a second and then releases then and says "UP". I have done this for a while now and he seems to get the point. I don't even need to hold his legs down. Now I just put him down and he waits and then I say "UP!" and his legs rise into position. It doesn't work EVERY time, but most times. I showed Mom and she didn't believe us. So I did it again and again this weekend. I decided I needed some video evidence. And here it is:

So what do you think? Is this "Man on the Moon" footage or "Patterson Bigfoot" footage?

Wait...What? There are people out there that think the Man on the Moon footage is fake? Ironically they are not the same people that think the Patterson Bigfoot footage is faked. How is it that there are people out there that BELIEVE in Bigfoot but not in the Moon landing? Ugh.
Tony Sculimbrene