Hi Everyone! This is Isaac.

This is my first blog written entirely by me, Isaac. My Dad helped me with the i Team investigation blog entry. But just so you don't think I am faking, I had my Dad snap a picture of me getting ready to type away:


I am a surprisingly good typist, given that I just found my hands a few weeks ago.

Mommy and I have been hanging out while Dad is at work. While I was sad originally, I realized two things: 1) I get Mommy all to myself; and 2) Daddy is really, really loud. It is awfully nice when he comes home, but it is nice to hang out with Mom too.

Mom and I have a pretty nice routine. I get fed every three hours. We play a lot in the morning. I usually show off something new (new to my parents, I do these things all the time when they aren't around or they think I am sleeping). Yesterday I started hitting the baseball in my gym. I will post a video of me doing that as soon as I get Mommy's iPhone. In the afternoon we sometimes run errands, though yesterday Mom used the vacuum cleaner when I was in the Bjorn and it was pretty cool. Very, very loud. Kinda like Dad. Yesterday she let me hanging out in my bath robe. I felt like Hugh Hefner--bath robe in the afternoon, hanging out doing nothing, and all the boobie I could every want. It was great.

Then Dad came home. I love when he comes home. I always flash him a big smile and he goes crazy. Then he and I play together for a few minutes before my final nap of the day. After that I wake up and either go for a walk or iChat with Nanna and G-Daddy. Then it is bed time--diaper change, Harry Potter, and a last minute snack.

It is a good life.
Tony Sculimbrene