Down on the Farm

Bianca, Isaac and I went to the 2nd Annual Public Defender Pig Roast yesterday in idyllic Eastern New Hampshire. Our hosts were Joach Barth and his family. The destination was a true New England farm, complete with a 1750s New England farmhouse (stacked stone foundation, wavy glass, and all). There was a bluegrass band in the barn, a tent on the lawn, a pasture full of cows, chickens, turkeys, and a HUGE BOAR.

Isaac, as we all know, is an outdoor kid, but this was like outdoor heaven. It was perfect weather--about 75 degrees with a gentle breeze. He really liked the piglets and the momma pig, he was a little wary of the chickens, but it was the turkeys that captured his attention. We'd walk around and then make our way down the massive (and hilly) pasture to the turkey pen and his legs would kick up a storm. Here is a picture of Dad and Isaac at the turkey pen.


Isaac met all sorts of folks at the Public Defender. He met the big boss (Chris Keating) and a bunch of other folks. It struck both Bianca and I just how many kids were present. I return to my contention that this one of the few (if not the only) Public Defender where you can raise a family.

One of the long time Public Defenders, a guy named Bill Schultz, had two daughters that were right in the "baby zone" (ages 8-12) and they loved Isaac and Isaac reciprocated. Smiles and giggles were swapped. We were watching the piglets running around and their ears flopping all over, when the discussion of the identity of our dinner was raised. The oldest of the two girls, a smart and assertive 12, assured me that it would not matter for her because she was a vegetarian, and had been since age 5. Her younger sister, when asked about her stance on meat, just rolled her eyes and flashed a dubious look at her sister. Isaac reserved his biggest smiles for the manager of the Keene office, a truly gifted attorney and social justice warrior, Jan Peterson. She even made him laugh a real belly laugh. He snuggled up on Jon Newman's shoulder and made googly eyes at Jacki Smith, Soudie, Brianna, and Bonnie. We also managed to rustle him into an arranged marriage with Brooke Belanger's absolutely precious daughter, whose big eyes were looking all over when Isaac was carried by. She was, however, showing off her sitting up ability, something Isaac looked at with yearning. Apparently, we have to cover the band at the wedding in 21 years.

After the meet and greet we went and saw the biggest pig I have ever seen. Here it is:


Last year there was an accident with this big guy and he bit a PD. This year he was kept in a well marked pen warning us of the danger.

The drive was a long one, an hour and half, but Isaac was really quite good. He cried for about 20 minutes on the way home, but that was really it. We had a great time and we were very thankful for our hosts allowing us to poke around their farm. Finally, there was the joke that never gets old at a part of Public Defenders: Dad holding Isaac in the Baby Bjorn, making his lips moving saying: "Lemme see your warrant!"
Tony Sculimbrene