
Isaac got three shots and a drink yesterday as part of his immunization package. You read and hear horror stories about kids getting a fever or staying up all day and night or crying or getting knocked back to their newborn schedules. But Isaac Anthony, thus far, as not even had a tender spot on his chubby drumsticks where he was given the shots. It knocked him out for about an hour (an hour of sleep he missed because we were at the doctor) and then it was business as usual yesterday. He is a miracle of a kid. We love him tons.

Funny moment, when we went to get him after that first nap we were so worried about him being sick or something that we were even MORE tender/cuddly. He would have none of it. He gave us a look that said: "What's the matter you big babies?" It was great.

Keep your fingers crossed because I guess anything could happen until 48 hours after the shot, but it looks like we are out of the big shot woods.
Tony Sculimbrene