Big Boy

Last night Bianca fed Isaac and then crawled into bed. Over the monitor I could hear Chubby Bubby still cooing away and his little legs were moving like pistons. But over about a period of 20 minutes he fell off to sleep. And then he slept until 5:52 AM. He put himself to bed AND slept through the night. Pretty darn cool.

Yesterday, aside from a bit of extra spit up (maybe), we had a pretty good day. Isaac met one of his Dad's best friends, former Public Defender and now Poet Extraordinaire Seth Abramson. Check out his poetry blog found here. Seth also published a book of poetry, found here. It is really dense but well-written stuff. Dad also happens to be in the acknowledgments, which is super cool. Seth is very funny, smart, and wise. In the 1800 he would have been called a conversationalist.

We also did grocery shopping late last night, like 8:00. Fortunately Isaac took a nap. But when he wasn't napping Dad grabbed some good pictures of him, including this one:


Isn't he a sweet kid?

When we got home Mom did an inspection of her boy and sang him a song. It was such a sweet moment I almost forgot to record it. Here it is though:

Tony Sculimbrene