Unrequited Love
Do you remember in high school there was that person that you REALLY liked (or thought you really liked) but he or she didn't know you existed. Not in the existential "existed" sense, but really could give a crap about you. Well, having an infant is kind of like that.
You pour your love, time, and energy into this beautiful thing that most of the time acts as though you do not exist. They may acknowledge you from time to time, but it is only when you are doing something for them--changing a diaper, wiping away spit up, for feeding them.
But then, on occasion things are a little different. There are moments when it is more of a two way street. At night Isaac will just cuddle up and lay on your chest and go to sleep. That is pretty darn cool. Then there is the moment when Isaac, while being held, reaches up with his tiny little fist and grabs your shirt (as if to say "Don't let go of me please."). That is pretty irresistible too. But the best thing, really one of the best things ever, is when he is crying in his crib and you pick him up and instantly he stops crying and gives out a little whimper. There is nothing better.
Now if he would only smile for non-gas related reasons.
You pour your love, time, and energy into this beautiful thing that most of the time acts as though you do not exist. They may acknowledge you from time to time, but it is only when you are doing something for them--changing a diaper, wiping away spit up, for feeding them.
But then, on occasion things are a little different. There are moments when it is more of a two way street. At night Isaac will just cuddle up and lay on your chest and go to sleep. That is pretty darn cool. Then there is the moment when Isaac, while being held, reaches up with his tiny little fist and grabs your shirt (as if to say "Don't let go of me please."). That is pretty irresistible too. But the best thing, really one of the best things ever, is when he is crying in his crib and you pick him up and instantly he stops crying and gives out a little whimper. There is nothing better.
Now if he would only smile for non-gas related reasons.