Not Sir Isaac Newton Quite Yet...

Despite what his Nanna will tell you Isaac is not quite the smartest boy in the whole world, just yet.

Last night we were all sitting at the dinner table and we had hauled the bassinet next to one end of the table. Isaac was resting peacefully, maybe not asleep, but definitely restful and quiet. Then all of a sudden he let out a cry. Now as a parent you can distinguish between cries. I thought this was total baloney (or bologna) before I had a kid, but now it is no problem. It is a combination of three things: 1) context; 2) the lead up to the cry; and 3) the pitch. If it has a long lead up, lots of whimpers, it is probably not a pain cry. If it has no lead up and a high pitch it is a pain cry. And so this wail was a pain cry. We all hopped to our feet and saw Isaac with his little fist balled grabbing his own downy soft hair. Isaac was pulling his own hair and not even knowing it.

As Bianca tried to loosen his grip he cried louder and tensed more resulting in even more pain. Eventually he slackened his grip, but not before reorganizing his beautiful black hair into a stand on end tuft.

I wonder if he ever figured out what was happening or if he just let go at random. Oh well.
Tony Sculimbrene