Its HOT.....

So Nanna and Grandpa sadly left on Monday after helping out tremendously with the 4th of July Party. We were sad to see them go. Apparently Isaac was as well. After dropping them off at Logan we went to Bertucci's for dinner. It was the first real public feeding and diaper change and Isaac did great.

Carrying him around for burpings was fun too. People approached me like I was a celebrity. What's his name? Oh that is nice. I hope he gets your dimples. How old is he? Natural or C-section? How long was the labor? Everyone just smiled when they saw him, like we did. He just makes you happy.

Until that night. Sensing that Nanna was gone, the little sugarfoot decided to wake up every hour or so. It was 10 for feeding, 12 for feeding, 2 for no reason, 3 for feeding, 4 for diaper/spit up, 6 for feeding and no going to sleep after that. Ugh. And then it was 101 degrees outside. We camped out in the bedrooms with the AC blasting until around 2 when the heat was the worst. We made it out to Target and took a leisurely stroll through the store. Isaac slept the whole time with his neck crooked as a hanger. Hence the new nickname: Noodle Neck Ned.

Last night was much better. Sensing that his rookie parents couldn't handle another crazy night he gave us 4:45 minutes of sleep from 9 until 1:45 AM, which is the most sleep we have gotten in a row since June 7th. Then he gave us another 4:15 minutes sleeping until 6. THEN he gave us another two hours sleeping until 9. It was heavenly. His good behavior will result in a few toys as bribes today.

Actually, we are going to the Burlington Mall to again avoid the near 100 degree heat. Our pool, by the way, broke its all time heat record standing at a toasty 74 degrees yesterday. It could hit 76 today, as the low last night was only 73 (this is the determining factor in how hot the pool gets).

Well, I will post more pictures when the insane heat breaks.
Tony Sculimbrene