Isaac's Visit to New Hampshire

Yesterday we took Isaac to New Hampshire to visit with the people of the Nashua Public Defender Office where I work. He met lots of folks: Lefty and Laurie, Bonnie, Sarah Morgan, Sam, Laura (x2), Trisha, Soudie, Lorraine, Cheryl, Michael, Paul, and Melissa. He had a very good time. After that we went to a local restaurant, Peddler's Daughter, a simulated Irish Pub in downtown Nashua, and had our first dinner out with Isaac. It was delicious. It was chosen, in part because of the great ketchup (which has nutmeg in it), but also because it has shaded, riverside outdoor seating. We able to eat outside next to the Nashua River. All in all, Isaac was very good for everyone, even falling asleep as Bonnie held him.

We made it home in time, not disrupting is incredibly precise schedule even a little bit. He slept well, falling asleep for his 1:30 nap without any prompting whatsoever. We were playing and then all of a sudden he put his head on my shoulder and started giving me a good baby snore. He also put himself to bed last night being fully awake after Bianca fed him. And finally, he slept until 5 AM, giving us 8 plus hours of solid sleep.

He is a really good kid. And he stays in shape too. Check it out:

His workouts have had their intended effect as he is moving out of the 0-3 month old clothes. Yesterday there were two outfits that were just too small and today he is wearing his first 3-6 month onesy. He looks like a big kid.

Also there are some new pictures up, including this one, which is probably my favorite Isaac picture of all time:

Tony Sculimbrene