Interactive Isaac

I was afraid of having a kid, to be honest. See I love kids, always have. But infants, well, they can be kind of boring--no talking, no walking, no playing. Lots of pooping, crying, and sleeping. Well, that of course changed when it was MY kid. But still a little interactivity would be welcome.

So Isaac responded. He has been smiling on and off for a while, but now he smiles in context appropriate ways multiple times a day. He really likes movement of any kind. He loves bouncing on my knee. He loves pommel horse. He loves when Bianca does dance party with him. And he loves when his Mommy gracefully sways with him in church, as she did yesterday.

About four days ago we found another form of movement that he likes. He and I were playing on Bianca and I's bed, which has a satin-like comforter. He was laying down and scooted him across the surface so that he could feel the texture on his little legs. When he got to the edge of the bed I stopped. And then he smiled and wiggled his little chubby drumsticks. From there it evolved to what we call "Drag Race". Here is a sample of the action:

Speaking of interactive, all three of Isaac's cousins, Little Anthony, Myles, and Colby are interacting with things in entirely different ways. Little Anthony legitimately beat me at Mario Kart. I am not as good as I was in college, where I played enough Mario Kart to qualify as a job, but I am still pretty good. Myles is starting to get to the point where he can play video games, as he assisted with the Mario Kart challenge at Poppy's birthday (HAPPY 94th Birthday!). Though I am sure many people disagree, I think video games are good for kids. Read Everything Bad is Good For You by Stephen Johnson for a cogent argument as to why. And then there was Colby. That kid is just amazing. He is talking, walking, and being perhaps the sweetest kid I have ever seen. There is no more genuine love than his love for his Momma. He loves his Dad too, but as us Dad's know, a boy and his mom have a special kind of relationship. He is so bright-eyed and never really fusses (when we are around). And most of all, he loves to "rough" or wrestle. And boy does he have a frame for doing that. If he stays on this course he will be fighting The Iceman in a decade.

Finally, an unrelated moment. We were singing Happy Birthday to Poppy and I was standing there holding Colby and Domenic was holding Isaac and I looked over and thought: this is what family is about. Being a Dad is awesome. Being a Dad of such a cool and interactive kid is awe-inspirin
Tony Sculimbrene