
Isaac is still sleeping as I write this, as is his Mommy who is still under the weather. But....last night Isaac, who is 6 weeks old today, slept from 9 PM until 3:30 AM. That's right, Chubby Bubby slept 6 and half hours. Everyone, as you read this, knock on wood. I just did.

A little update. We have finally figured out a way to beat the heat, strategically deploying air conditioners around the house. Bianca had a set back on Monday, not feeling well at all and running a 102 temperature, but she did better yesterday. Then on Monday night, with a sick wife, a boiling hot basement (which is excluded from our cool zone), and a scared infant (because of the thunder) we got a tornado warning, the first ever since I have lived in New England.

Fortunately, these New Englanders (note: there is no word for collective peoples from Massachusetts, like Vermonters), know as about tornadoes as Buckeyes know about bitter cold New England style winters--not a lot. Sure the sky got that funny green color but it was a tornado warning by Doppler only (there are two ways for a warning to occur, in theory like by Doppler projections, or with actual witnesses seeing a tornado, see here). In Xenia we don't call a tornado warning unless Toto and Dorothy are whirling through the skies past the weather men in person. Here, the nerds use their "weather machines" to "project" that a tornado should have occurred. There were no pictures after the fact of that sinister funnel cloud, but downed trees in certain parts of central Massachusetts suggest that there may have been a tornado, but nothing like a Xenia-style twister or two. It was a tornadette I guess.

We all turned out fine, but it was an unfun hour in the basement with Sickie and Chubby Bubby.

Oh the trials of fatherhood. Or as Nanna said: when it rains in pours (to which I responded: I'd be fine with a downpour, but a tornado stretches the saying just a bit).
Tony Sculimbrene