Toys for Peanut
Of course I don't want the kid to be spoiled but there are just too many cool toys out there for kids today. After a heated debate with Peanut's Nanna over Power Wheels (which are just too cool), here is a list of toys that, if I were to come into money a la Brewster's Millions (who knew it was based on a 1902 book?) and Bianca and Peanut's Nanna were to turn a blind eye, I would get for the Peanut:
Suppose you want your kid to go off roading but he or she is not QUITE big enough to, say, use the potty by themselves entirely, what do you do? Get 'em a Power Wheels Stinger XS with Monster Traction (TM). Or if you have the refined 4 year old, the man or woman about the playground? How about the Power Wheels Escalade. Nothing screams classy 4 year old off-roadin' like a battery-powered plastic automobile with the Cadillac crest.
In an age of hyper violence and hyper sensitivity to violence, it stuns me that something as totally kick ass like the Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 (click the link, it is totally worth it...almost prescient, eh?) gets made. It deals out foam death at a rate of 3 "bullets" a second. At that rate you'd need the darn thing to be belt fed. Oh wait, it is. Yes, you can buy a Nerf Gun so powerful that it requires a bandolier of spongy slugs. And for the aspiring gangsta' or mafia boss you can combine the EBF-25 and the Escalade to take lil' punks out crimelord-style in a playground drive by.
There are some serious challengers to the coolest Lego set ever, but the Millennium Falcon is the current record holder for largest retail set. With over 5000 pieces and a sticker of $499, that is a dime a piece delirium for Peanut and I has we struggle on a Saturday morning (and Sunday morning, and Monday morning...) to put it together.
In terms of sheer kid awesomeness, there is little that tops the Force FX lightsaber. Yes, I have referenced them before in the blog, but they are just too amazing to ignore. They are the answer to ever single dream of a toy I had between the ages of 4 and 14 (okay 4 and 32). Short of deflecting blaster bolts and cauterizing villain flesh, these things are identical to the real thing.
Maybe he'll have to wait for this one, but no list of crazy toys would be complete without a REAL LIFE JETPACK. This is from Thunderbolt Aerosystems and is completely and totally useless other than the obligatory take off in the middle of a field at the start of a sporting event appearance. St. Bernard Friday Football here we come. It is only $86,000.
The last thing that Peanut would get in the madcap spendoholic, no Mom and Nanna to bring us back to reality world would be this--the worlds sweetest custom swing set. Look at those kids running towards it. Is there any doubt that the day that picture was taken was the happiest of their lives, even if they later became President? It has that "castle" look to it so it could be a fort to defend (for Peanut) or a palace for a princess (for Pistachio, codename for the next kid, a girl). I found another set for a company in Michigan that had running water and a sink inside for those moments you want to clean out a wound without Mom knowing the accident happened, but that seems even too dangerous for me in this imaginary world of toy excess.
In all seriousness, the key is to make sure Peanut is not spoiled. I know that. These were just too cool not to share.
Suppose you want your kid to go off roading but he or she is not QUITE big enough to, say, use the potty by themselves entirely, what do you do? Get 'em a Power Wheels Stinger XS with Monster Traction (TM). Or if you have the refined 4 year old, the man or woman about the playground? How about the Power Wheels Escalade. Nothing screams classy 4 year old off-roadin' like a battery-powered plastic automobile with the Cadillac crest.
In an age of hyper violence and hyper sensitivity to violence, it stuns me that something as totally kick ass like the Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 (click the link, it is totally worth it...almost prescient, eh?) gets made. It deals out foam death at a rate of 3 "bullets" a second. At that rate you'd need the darn thing to be belt fed. Oh wait, it is. Yes, you can buy a Nerf Gun so powerful that it requires a bandolier of spongy slugs. And for the aspiring gangsta' or mafia boss you can combine the EBF-25 and the Escalade to take lil' punks out crimelord-style in a playground drive by.
There are some serious challengers to the coolest Lego set ever, but the Millennium Falcon is the current record holder for largest retail set. With over 5000 pieces and a sticker of $499, that is a dime a piece delirium for Peanut and I has we struggle on a Saturday morning (and Sunday morning, and Monday morning...) to put it together.
In terms of sheer kid awesomeness, there is little that tops the Force FX lightsaber. Yes, I have referenced them before in the blog, but they are just too amazing to ignore. They are the answer to ever single dream of a toy I had between the ages of 4 and 14 (okay 4 and 32). Short of deflecting blaster bolts and cauterizing villain flesh, these things are identical to the real thing.
Maybe he'll have to wait for this one, but no list of crazy toys would be complete without a REAL LIFE JETPACK. This is from Thunderbolt Aerosystems and is completely and totally useless other than the obligatory take off in the middle of a field at the start of a sporting event appearance. St. Bernard Friday Football here we come. It is only $86,000.
The last thing that Peanut would get in the madcap spendoholic, no Mom and Nanna to bring us back to reality world would be this--the worlds sweetest custom swing set. Look at those kids running towards it. Is there any doubt that the day that picture was taken was the happiest of their lives, even if they later became President? It has that "castle" look to it so it could be a fort to defend (for Peanut) or a palace for a princess (for Pistachio, codename for the next kid, a girl). I found another set for a company in Michigan that had running water and a sink inside for those moments you want to clean out a wound without Mom knowing the accident happened, but that seems even too dangerous for me in this imaginary world of toy excess.
In all seriousness, the key is to make sure Peanut is not spoiled. I know that. These were just too cool not to share.