He is here

The sound faded out of the room. The bustling nurses and doctors seemed to slow to half speed. For an eternal moment Bianca and I stared and waited. And waited. And waited. Then, like a bell peal splitting the silence of a cathedral, his little lungs let out a powerful wail. Peanut became Isaac and Bianca and I wept ( I didn't cry all that much, just a little). Our lives changed forever. He was a bit greasy, kinda gray, and hairy as a werewolf, but he was here.

Bianca powered through about 16 hours of labor, real labor like hard work, with the stoic determination of soldier marching to battle. And battle she did. She fought the contractions at every step and did exactly what the doctors and nurses told her to do. Our nurse, Sonia, did an amazing job of managing Bianca's labor. And when her reserves were depleted, she pulled out something more, something I have never seen anyone do. It was not simply strength. It went beyond self-preservation. It was a steel will born out of the biological impulse to continue the species. That may sound silly, but I can think of no other source of that kind of determination. She hung on through the pain until eventually she was given instructions to push. Eight pushes later Isaac Anthony came out and met his mommy. No one is stronger, no one can sacrifice more than a mother. And now I know why. Bianca has always been my hero. Now I know that she is actually a superhero.

After that I played with my boy while he was in the incubator getting warm (Bianca still had some work to do and instructed me to stay with her boy). Here is the video (he is less than 10 minutes old):

Then there is this picture, he was probably 5 minutes old here (and all slimy):


Here is one from this morning:


And finally, one with the grandparents:


More later, but I have to get back to the little guy and my superhero.
Tony Sculimbrene