The Baby Raisin and First Post

Well Isaac's umbilical cord stump finally fell off. It is supposed to happen in the first two weeks, but Isaac was particularly attached to his mommy so he kept it around for three extra days. It was disgusting looking, as you can see here, but it didn't taste that bad at all.


It was sort of a mix between a raisin (in texture and consistency) and a pepperoni (in taste). Just kidding. And for the curious, the umbilical cord has only the baby's DNA, while the rest of the baby stuff is momma's, according to the internet at least.

Here is what the lil' one looks like without the belly button:


It fell off in the process of giving him a bath. Essentially it fell off yesterday and was held on by boogies and crusties until today's bath.

Well, he is no longer a newborn...he is an infant.

Also, he got his first piece of mail address it him. It was a credit card just kidding (that is coming Monday). It was actually his Social Security Card. It is pretty cool to see his name on a letter, knowing that in about ten years there will be few if any letters at all.

Finally, here is a great picture of the perfect guy all snuggled up sleeping:


He is soooo cute when he is sleeping.

Finally, funny Nanna story. So around 4 or 5 every day (though not for the past two days) Nanna lets Bianca and I go take a nap for about two hours and she plays with her boy. Today we woke up and Nanna brought Isaac into our bedroom where he cuddled with his Momma. As he did I noticed that his little belly button was a little goopy. Later, while outside Nanna told me that he had drooled on her while sleeping. I explained that it wasn't drool, but belly button snot. And she thought it was cute.
Tony Sculimbrene