Tony and Bianca Land

Today was Memorial Day 2010. In addition to thanking veterans for the service and dedication to our country it is a nice three day weekend to hang out by the pool. Myles and Domenic came up yesterday, as Colby was feeling a little under the weather and stayed home with his Momma. Everyone had a good day including Myles who seemingly ate his weight in carrots.

All of this really underscores not only how great Bianca is doing with the pregnancy, but how incredibly enjoyable it is to spend time with her. You hear horror stories of pregnant ladies, but Bianca has never, not once, been difficult or demanding. She insists on doing things on her own, such as weeding, despite the fact that she is 38 weeks pregnant. She has done a remarkable job in every aspect with her pregnancy. For that I am both impressed and deeply grateful.

But more than the pregnancy there is this fact--even after eleven years of marriage, in the midst of her final few weeks of being pregnant, there is no one more fun or more delightful to spend time with than Bianca. This is our last Memorial day together, just the two of us, and each and every weekend I have spent with her has been truly great. Whether it is hunkering down for a cold winter night, or lounging pool side, there is no one I'd rather pass the day with than Bianca. When we are together the entire world seems more pleasant, less dangerous, and more secure. And in some senses, the outside world is sealed away. Together we exist with each other--something we termed T&B Land a long time ago. I mention this secret because Tony and Bianca Land will soon have another occupant. Maybe this is the last weekend or the last day.

Either way, I would not trade the time I have spent with her for anything in this world, even a really nice flashlight. The only reason my heart does not break at the thought of ending this exclusive affair is because the new occupant will be someone that we made.

Thanks Bianca for every minute you have spent with me.

Welcome Peanut, whenever you arrive.
Tony Sculimbrene