Double Defibrilators

Defibrilator #1

So a few days ago I awake to a funny Nana email. Apparently in the hazy predawn the phone went off. My Mom, thinking it was the moment jumped out of bed probably with the force of a Kinetic Energy Weapon (check out that speed, Mach 11!). The collateral damage was my Dad's deep REM sleep as he was thrown from the bed, all to screams of "Get the phone, Peanut is here!" It turned out that it was actually a school delay call for heavy fog.

Defibrilator #2

Last night Bianca woke up to go to the bathroom, as a pregnant ladies are wont to do, and when she came back she clicked off the ceiling fan. I have entered into a new kind of sleep that allows me to be awakened by things as slight as the fan click. I also was laying next to the pregnancy pillow and had mistaken it for Bianca's belly, so I totally thought she was still next to me. The combination of these things caused me to shoot out of the bed, again thinking that it was the BIG ONE. In the end, it wasn't, but I scared Bianca and myself just about out of our wits.

We are waitin' for you buddy.
Tony Sculimbrene