Happy Birthday Bianca

Recently a fuming DeLorean showed up in our driveway. A dashing young man hopped out and handed me this note. Before I knew it the car had pulled out and taken off. By the time I could follow on foot I saw the silver streak disappear in the clouds. Apparently where he is going they don't need roads.

Hi Mom,

This is Peanut from the Future. Actually you know me as ..... but that will be our secret. I thought you should know that I really appreciated you carrying me for nine months. I know that was bad, lots of kicking and punching at 4 or 5 in the morning. I know that I have been taxing your back a lot recently (or recently back in 2010). I know that you probably felt like someone had taken over your body. So Happy 33rd Birthday Mom. You are, were, and will be the best.

Your Son.

It was a strange day, but Bianca is 33 on 3/3/10 so I guess that's what can you expect given the numerological power of such a date. Happy Birthday Best Friend from both of us. We are both glad that you were born. Thanks also, to Nancy and Domenic for having such an awesome daughter.

This post has been brought to you by Universal Studios and Robert Zemeckis. Also we got our power bill this week and apparently we used 1.21 jigawatts of electricity last month. Someone must have left a hair dryer on ALL MONTH.
Tony Sculimbrene