Preparing for Peanut

This weekend was spent getting things ready for Peanut's arrival.

On Saturday our brand new washer and dryer arrived. The washer was a Christmas present from Grandparent Sculimbrenes. They are really sweet looking and really we were in dire need. Our washer and dryer came with the house and they were old. The dryer's tag, which I crawled around to see before it left, said it was made in 1979 which makes it really old. We have done our best to keep them going until now. The dryer caught fire once when I was at a Bob Dylan concert with Bianca's brother. The dryer drum also stopped tumbling and we opened it up and repaired it. The washer leaked a couple of times and we were able to fix that as well. If they were cars they would be jalopies. But they are gone and the urge to fix up the rest of the basement is now a little bit stronger. HOME THEATER....

After the appliances arrived so did Myles, Colby and the 'rents. Myles was really funny. He told me "Uncle Tony you say 'hilarious' a lot" which is totally true, especially when I am around him. We played around all afternoon. Myles wanted to go up in the attic, so I showed him just peek. He also wanted to be stuffed in our luggage, which I obliged. Colby on the other hand was perfectly satisfied rockin' out. Other than being 9 months old, white, and not playing a piano or wearing sunglasses he is a dead ringer for Stevie Wonder when he is jammin'. He is getting more lively every time we see him, he even crawled for us.

Just to cement my reputation as Crazy Uncle Tony I gave Myles one of my $2 bills. I love getting them at the bank and I had three on me so I gave him one. He told his parents "I got monies." Then he decided he wanted to throw it away, trying multiple times to put it in the kitchen garbage can.

Last night we started whittling down the Best Picture Nominees. We have seen Avatar and Up. The flick we saw Saturday night was The Hurt Locker. It follows an EOD (explosives and ordinance disposal) team in Iraq in 2004. It was REALLY good. Intense, graphic, and frightening, but good. The lead actor, Jeremy Renner, who was a guest star on one of our favorite shows, Angel, is amazing.

Today we put up the curtain rods in Peanut's room. Funny thing about an old house: nothing is square. We wanted the rods to be an inch out and an inch and half up from the window frame and that is exactly what I did. Bianca stood back and pronounced them distinctly not level. I measured again and again the distances were right. Then I realized: the window is not level and the frame not square. UGH.

After that we took a long walk in Ayer. It was about 41 degrees and Mama Bear needed to stretch her legs. We usually do the this route on bikes, so the distances were a little off. We saw a guy on cross country skis, a few people on roller blades and some HARDCORE cyclists. Because of the bike thing we went a little too far and Peanut's Ku Fung made the trip back a bit more hurried than the way out.

All in all it was an excellent winter weekend with a nice visit from the Nephews (and their parents). Ever so often, Bianca would let me know and I would wait, hand on belly, for Peanut to make his move. I felt him karate kick his mom about a half dozen times. Her bladder felt it a bit more often.
Tony Sculimbrene