Pregnancy Adventure IV

In the midst of preparing for a jury trial and grading papers, we were still focused on getting things ready for the Peanut's arrival. Sunday was a bright, crisp New England winter day with a gleaming sun and a frigid temperature. We hopped in Sue B and went back to Magic Beans. There we found a little bar that made our stroller work with the infant seat that Lenora and Tony gave us. As is the case with all things that come from the D'alenos, it was it pristine condition (yes, I know she is technically a Manna now but, those clean genes dominant EVERYTHING). So for thirty bucks (which we had in store credit from our stroller) we have a travel system all ready to go.

We also stopped by an old haunt in Needham called New England Soup Factory. With a veggie chicken noodle soup that batters back the bone chilling winds, we had as hardy a lunch as you could imagine. The carrots in their chicken noodle soup are as thick as an adult's wrist and they are delicious. The chicken is super savory and I think the entire lunch tickles your umami taste buds. It was also Peanut approved as it has yet to cause raging heartburn which Bianca has had a lot of recently. PEANUT BE GOOD TO YOUR MOMMY!

After that it was off to Babies R Us for the baby registry. We spent what seemed like 7 or 8 days wandering around the store. I would run and find the most ridiculous item and trick Bianca into coming to see it, telling her each time, "come see this it is PERFECT!" Baby Tempurpedic? Sure. Baby sling that looks exactly like my old Xenia Daily Gazette newspaper bag (sans Jolly Rancher wrappers) and costs $80? Excellent. It even had the reflective material on the shoulder strap. We are still messing around with the registry, but the little barcode gun was pretty sweet.

One thing that I noticed is that the newer the parent, the more prevalent the 1000 yard stare. There was an especially old couple (like mid 40s, early 50s; this is Newton, remember so they were almost certainly parents and not grandparents) with a new born and the guy looked as if he had been living in a homeless shelter or a refrigerator box--dirty sweat pants, matted greasy hair, and a fleece pull over. It was scary and hopefully not a preview of perpetual existence come June. I can take the occasional or even regular hobo chic, but as a constant state of existence I think that is not good for a person. He also had the largest public display of plumber's crack I have ever seen. It was like a glacial crevasse.

Happy Birthday Livi. And remember: Lady GaGa STINKS!
Tony Sculimbrene