Musings on a Baby, Part II
One of the things I have been thinking about recently is the movies that I can't wait to share with Peanut when he gets old enough. I still remember a New Year's Eve when G-Daddy showed me the greatest western of all time The Magnificent Seven ("Clap your hands."). I also remember a trip to the Air Force Museum to see The Battle of Britain. There are a few other classics that were shared with me: The Guns of Navarone ("The Greatest High Adventure Ever Filmed!"; thank god for 50s advertising hyperbole), the 50s monster movie hit Godzilla (which we rented when we were back in Pittsburgh), and of course the movie that all Italians must watch just guess.
These, of course, will be things that I share with Peanut. But then there are the new movies that he needs to see. First, of course, are the two Star Wars trilogies. Having anticipated this viewing I consulted with my fellow Star Wars nerd, Melissa from work, and we have determined that children MUST see them in the order they were released. Otherwise, children services will come and take your kids away. In fact, she has already started her padawan, Nate on the original three and he is just over two years old. I think it is probably important for Peanut to see stuff like the Matrix trilogy. They are pretty freakin' sweet, especially the first one. Saving Private Ryan is on the list, albeit when Peanut is much, much older.
But then there is the movie I most look forward to sharing with my son. It is the manliest movie in Mantown. It is a great and historically accurate (according to the Sea Captain, see two entries ago) tale of adventure on the high seas (I am trying my hand a 50s marketing hyperbole). Yes it is Master and Commander ("This ship is our home. This ship is England"...I can do the whole speech from memory). Odd fact: there is not a single female speaking part in the entire movie and only one female ever appears on screen and it is just to smile at Russell Crowe.
Hopefully Peanut and I can enjoy a showing of Master and Commander on my home theater set up I hope to have in the basement by the time he is old enough to see the movie. You know around his 3rd birthday.
These, of course, will be things that I share with Peanut. But then there are the new movies that he needs to see. First, of course, are the two Star Wars trilogies. Having anticipated this viewing I consulted with my fellow Star Wars nerd, Melissa from work, and we have determined that children MUST see them in the order they were released. Otherwise, children services will come and take your kids away. In fact, she has already started her padawan, Nate on the original three and he is just over two years old. I think it is probably important for Peanut to see stuff like the Matrix trilogy. They are pretty freakin' sweet, especially the first one. Saving Private Ryan is on the list, albeit when Peanut is much, much older.
But then there is the movie I most look forward to sharing with my son. It is the manliest movie in Mantown. It is a great and historically accurate (according to the Sea Captain, see two entries ago) tale of adventure on the high seas (I am trying my hand a 50s marketing hyperbole). Yes it is Master and Commander ("This ship is our home. This ship is England"...I can do the whole speech from memory). Odd fact: there is not a single female speaking part in the entire movie and only one female ever appears on screen and it is just to smile at Russell Crowe.
Hopefully Peanut and I can enjoy a showing of Master and Commander on my home theater set up I hope to have in the basement by the time he is old enough to see the movie. You know around his 3rd birthday.