First Real Post

Boy, this was not too terribly difficult to do. We are not sure if we like the template yet, but that too is pretty easy to change.

Bianca and I have spent most of the week between Christmas and New Year doing baby stuff. First, we did a few tours through day care places. All of them seemed perfectly safe for Peanut, but each had their own advantages and disadvantages. We went to Creative Years in Nashua and they had a great facility and really nice staff. Everything was nice and clean. It is just not Mom-accessible because it is more than an hour from Worcester. It would mean that Dad does all of the pick up and drop off (I imagine that I will have a Mr. Mom moment sooner or later: North to Drop Off South to Pick Up moron). We also visited a place in Leominster: Adventure Kids. It was a less formal setting and would be both Mom- and Dad-accessible. The facility is not as nice as Creative Years though. The final place was Kid City which is within walking distance from our house. It is even less formal than Adventure Kids. We may have caught them on an unusual day because we visited on New Year's Eve, but they had some "energetic" kids. We have a few other places to look: Rainbow Daycare in Townsend and the Guild of St. Agnes in Devens. The Guild of St. Agnes is an old service group and they have a unique history (see here).

We also did a small bit of baby shopping. We went to a local chain of baby stuff called Magic Beans (see here). The staff was really great--more knowledgeable than the folks at Babies R Us. They had all sorts of stuff, including the Ferrari of baby strollers, a $1,200 Stokke design. I believe that this model is actually a test and if you buy it a group of highly trained government agents descend on your car in the parking lot where they kidnap you and send you to a prison for stupid rich people (i.e. those that have more money than sense). We ended up not being able to resist the urge and purchased the stroller that we both wanted and Erica strongly recommended: the Phil and Ted Classic. I am sort of surprised at how excited I was at the idea of buying a stroller.

We are snowed in today, not like "can't get to the hospital" snowed in, but really inconvenient snowed in. This is why this post is so long. If I can get permission for the Editor in Chief I will post the hilarious unboxing of the stroller video.
Tony Sculimbrene