All babies, all day

Today we spent the day on the road, with each stop filled with babies. First we ran into Boston to meet Liz and Susan from Xavier. It was an RA reunion. I felt the need to turn my music up real loud and hide six packs under my jacket. Susan brought her boyfriend Patrick, while Liz and Asheem brought baby Maya with them. Here is Maya's website. She was SUPER cute, with big blue eyes and deep dimples. And when she needed to take a nap her Dad, the baby whisperer as Liz calls him, walked away for three minutes and came back with a snuggly sleepy baby girl. Maybe a baby girl wouldn't be too bad ;) I feel bad for her parents though when high school starts. It might be shotgun polishin' time.

After that it was down to Lil' Rhodey for Grandma Kenahan's birthday. Myles and Colby were constantly entertaining. Here is their website. Myles showed us his game face. It was awesome. I will post if I can. That kid is just hilarious.

T minus five days and counting.

How's Harrison Richard for a boy's name?

Here is Myles' game face, he means BUSINESS:

Tony Sculimbrene